Win the chance to learn how to save a life

24 June 2014 I suffered an out of hospital cardiac arrest. My children, aged 9 & 10 were with me when I collapsed with no heart beat and my dog was in the back of my car. My husband had rung me asking what I wanted for tea and I told him I would ring him back. The next call he got 2 minutes later was to tell him I had collapsed and they were performing CPR. I have been granted six extra years to spend with my family, every year I celebrate my anniversary - last year I had fairy bread and cheerios for my 5th birthday.

This year I am giving six people the chance to learn the skills to save a life - one person for every extra year.

Due to the fact that people knew CPR and had access to an AED I am still here to tell the story. Every year over 2000 people suffer from a cardiac arrest - 27% of these make it to hospital but only 13% will be discharged. These statistics have improved from six years ago due to the fact that the Fire Brigade are now attending these call outs as well. It was 7% in 2014 when I survived.

You have the power to improve these statistics by learning basic life support skills and knowing where AED’s are in your community. Don’t be worried about hurting the person and breaking ribs - I can assure you we would rather be alive with broken ribs than the alternative.

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There is no reason why my heart stops except the fact that each time it has happened I have been under a lot of stress. Stress can cause physical as well as mental illness so be kind to yourself. A problem shared is a problem halved so if your struggling - get in touch with us. We may not be able to solve your problems but we can connect you with those that can help you.